Videoart 2022

Texts & video: Mira Mink

Music: Kyky Ahonen

The artwork explores authorship through filming and texts. The illustrations that fit into everyday life create new meanings. The details, the street and nature embody Mira Mink's urban art.

These photo poems are part of a collection.

Mira Mink: Collection of Photopoetry: Mira Mink: Collezione delle Fotopoesie, available on, also ebook.

Mira Mink is a Helsinki-based visual artist, writer, teacher, producer and poet (MA, teacher). Mink has published five self-published most recent ones: Audiobook-like I and Collection of Photopoetry (2022, Art and Promotion Centre). She has also worked in other areas, such as art exhibitions and combining music with poetry in performances and open stage events. The factor behind the artist's work is the joy of writing and the promotion of learning.