Kuleshov and the virus

Technique: 2D animation

Format: Full HD 1080

Run Time: 47”

Year: 2020

Inspired by the artist’s own fear and the images related to Panic buying during the Covid Pandemic, the short "Kuleshov and the virus" is assembled following the theory of the Kuleshov Effect (one of the first in Soviet cinema) in which two juxtaposed planes lead to a third plane, which is the subjective interpretation of the two previous planes (A+B=C). The short mounted with its two basic planes on an increasing scale, intensifies the sense of fear caused by the Coronavirus.

Gunga Guerra is a multi artist self-taught, with works performed in various techniques such as drawing, painting, art-object , video art and animation. Born in Mozambique but living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he lives the influence of three imaginary borders: Portugal , Mozambique and Brazil. His immigrant background led him to become more interested in issues related to political and social issues, aligned with remote memories of his personal history and acquired and lost identities.


instagram: @gungaguerra