#ThisArtDoesNotExist / Ozlem Uzun Hazneci
#ThisArtDoesNotExist is machine hallucination / latent spacewalk video, generated by the dataset that trained in StyleGAN with 350 images of ART. This experimental video art project is mainly focuses to create an interrogation area about the fundamentals of artistic authorship and computational creations.
Born in Merzifon, Turkey in 1983. Lives and works in Istanbul. In 2005, graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting Department. She opened the first solo show named “Incredible Scenes” in İstanbul, based on her MFA thesis. She joined many international and national shows such as; Tahran Biennial (Istanbul/Berlin/Tahran), Lyon Biennial / Rendez-Vous 09 (France), Videoist Screenings, (İstanbul/Munich/Kiel), Invisible Cities (Netherlands), Hands Up! (Norway). Also she attended to Invisible City (Netherlands) and Akbank Sanat, Borusan Sanat, Contemporary Istanbul, MacArt, Art in Akmerkez, Borusan Art Center (Istanbul) artist in residence (A.I.R) programs. Right along with her artistic career, she works as a full-time assistant professor at Maltepe University, Animation department. Keeps working, lecturing, researching, and living.Throughout my artistic career I’ve used many different mediums/tools such as image manipulations, video arts, outdoor installations, performances, fictional photography series, animations, bio-arts, printing techniques, sound installations etc… Recently I started to follow a new creative path which includes augmented reality, virtual modelling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning technologies that I’m extremely excited about. I believe that these developing technologies are presenting a great form of freedom for the creators who don’t want to stick with a certain style or medium, such as me. Also this immersive technologies creates a huge theoretical debate on the definition of art, creativity, ethics, and ownership which I’m questioning from the day one as an academic. So, I’m still updating, discovering, thinking, and playing... www.ozlemuzunhazneci.com