The Visulettes / Lieber Michael

Vienna Secession

Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox

Spiegel Redaktionshaus Schwimmbad 1969

Fortunato Depero's The New Babel (1930)

The Visulettes, digital motion-paintingsLocated in: Vienna, AustriaYear: 2020Formats: mp4 MovieTechnique: 3D animated -video and -sound installation, Full HDThe Visulettes, digital motion-paintings are short 3D animated, sound films, whose presentation concept corresponds to social networks, but also to exhibition settings. Throughout the pandemic, I devoted myself to ‘working from home’ stimulations, making digital, 3D -art and exploiting Its possibilities from a personal artistic perspectives. The search for ‘the ultimate objects and ambiences’, in reality, or in paintings, led me, not by chance, to the artistic and architectural movements of the first half of the 20th century: futurism, cubism, art nouveau, viennese secession and more.The stimulus has been a challenge of bridging the futuristic visions of the first electronic media period, all the way to the present time. Adding a new interpretation through modern 3D technology, as well as an additional sound dimension, which together tell a short story.
Lieber Michael is the multidisciplinary, contextual artist from Vienna, Austria.A graduate of the “wiener kunst schule”. In eternal experimentation between medias and their crossings. Oil on canvas, graphics, video and sound installation, 3D animation or video games are a range of tools that the artist uses on his creative journey.Web: Games: