City glitch


Parvathi Kumar 

"The Buzz On The Street"

Photo-based video piece by Parvathi Kumar

This was originally just a still photo taken on the street in lower Manhattan, NYC, then enhanced with various video effects using a smartphone video app to leave the viewer in an almost hypnotic state, or "buzz", pulled in by the swirling coffee and trippy sidewalk.

"Interleaving" and "City Glitch"

Digital Photo Art by Parvathi Kumar

This slideshow shows two photo-based digital art images.

“City Glitch” – while stuck in traffic on a rainy day in Manhattan, looking out the window of a taxi, this still shot transformed into a shattered/glitch effect captures the mood, tension and uneasiness of the situation.

“Interleaving” – a play on words and a play on three single fallen leaves, abstractly celebrating the autumn season by creating the variety of sizes and primary colors against a stark black background.

Collaborative Digital Art

Digital Artwork by Parvathi Kumar & Hema Bharadwaj

This slideshow shows six digital art works made collaboratively by Parvathi Kumar and Hema Bharadwaj. Parvathi and Hema are friends and also artists, so it seemed natural to consider collaborating with each other. This new exploration started around the beginning of the pandemic. The lock-down, while stressful in some ways, unlocked possibilities. Hema had been exploring digital painting and Parvathi offered several pieces of hers to ‘play’ with. They decided to send digital files back and forth until the image felt ‘complete’ to both of them. It helped both of them to reframe and expand what they would normally do. Collaborative work forces the artist into a space of ‘letting go’. It’s a great way to bring forth unexpected imagery and shows us sides of ourselves that are usually unseen. They present in this slideshow six works created during this most memorable of years.