Internationales Digitalkunst Festival 2019 at Stuttgart

SKAM Ensemble & guest artists

FRIDAY 15th November | 17:00

Superjuju, Eberhardstr. 3, 70173 Stuttgart

Concert program:

Nikola Lutz

Terra australis incognita I, for 4-channel tape and ensemble of improvisers (2019)

Jinok Cho

Flux, for Viola and Live-processing

Remmy Canedo

ROT47, code composition for viola & live electronics (2011/2019)

Bernhard Lang

DW9 II. double/puppe, for voice and keyboard (2003)

Nikola Lutz

The Darkroom of the Map, for 4 channel Tape, live electronics, Keyboard, Viola, Voice (2019)

Youngmi Cho

Dharani/ 다라니(陀羅尼), for Soprano, Electronic Keyboard

Nikola Lutz

Terra australis incognita II, for 4-channel tape and ensemble of improvisers (2019)