Katerilian / Strangers
"Strangers" is an animation that explores the essence of humanity in a world where biology and innovation intertwine. At the heart of the composition is a human cell surrounded by membranes, symbolizing internal processes of change and adaptation. Surrounding this cell are fantastical creatures from the Morulin universe, embodying the fusion of the organic and artificial, serving as metaphors for our reimagining of human nature. These beings, merging biological and mechanical traits, represent new forms of life emerging from the interaction between nature and technological progress. They act as guides in a world where humans strive to find balance between their biological roots and the influence of innovation. The animation invites viewers to reflect on how advancements not only alter our physical bodies but also challenge our perception of life itself, illustrating how each new experience shapes new dimensions of our existence in this evolving landscape.
Katerilian, born in 1997 in Odesa, Ukraine, is a self-taught artist whose passion for creativity shaped her journey. As the creator of the Morulins Universe (#morulins_world), Katerilian captivates audiences with a unique blend of imagination and technique. Using oil and acrylic, she brings vibrant, intricate paintings to life, transporting viewers to fantastical realms. In addition to painting, she excels in illustration, crafting detailed works by hand.
While studying hardware design at Odesa National Polytechnic University, she honed her technical skills alongside her passion for visual storytelling. This fusion of technical knowledge and creativity defines her style, merging precision with artistic vision.
In her practice, she weaves together fragments from music, literature, cinema, and personal experiences to explore perception. Through this process, characters like the Morulins emerge. Their unsettling appearance may seem alien, but they serve as conduits to deeper meaning, inviting viewers to explore the intertwining of fear and wisdom. Desiring to see the Morulins in motion and study their character, she began exploring them through animation.
Creating these characters is a profound journey of self-discovery. Each new creation reveals the interplay between external influences and inner transformation. This artistic odyssey feels like standing on the edge of adventure, driven by creativity's current.
Today, Katerilian continues to push artistic boundaries, captivating audiences with evocative worlds where reality and imagination blur. The Morulins reflect universal themes of fear, wisdom, and change. At the heart of her work is an exploration of how experiences shape inner worlds, inviting viewers to embark on their own introspective journeys.