MOTHER NATURE / Maisha Maene

Title : MOTHER NATURE Genre : Experimental documentary Duration : 9 minutes Director : Maisha Maene Camera : Abedi Mohamed Casting : Agnes SIFA, Primo Jasmin Production : Alkebu Film Production Country of production : Democratic Republic of the Congo Year of production : 2020
Disgusted with the already deplorable behaviour of the human being towards his natural environment, NURU, a young woman citizen of the planet with an overflowing imagination, decides to paint herself motor oil which she uses as a metaphor to pass the message to the next generation. Trough this video installation, I question the deplorable behaviour of the human being towards his nature.
MAISHA MAENE is a Congolese  screenwriter and director based  in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Independent  filmmaker, he is an alumni of  third cinema, decomposition of  the colonial gaze and photography of social justice at the Yole!  Africa and RPDFI (Film Production and Distribution Network)  in Goma. Afro-futuristic artist, he  works on issues of human rights,  the environment and seeks to  reconstruct the fragmented history of his country. His films  have been screened at several  festivals around the world and  won awards. In 2017, he wrote  and directed his first short film  REGARD. The film was then selected at the Congo International  Film Festival in the DRC, in the  TRANSCEND Exhibition in Pennsylvania in the USA, in the Congo  In Harlem in New York and won the jury prize at the Digital Gate In ternational Film Festival in Algeria. In 2020 he wrote and directed his  second short film MOTHER NATURE which was selected at the Lleida  International Film Festival in Spain and won the grand jury prize at the  International Sustainability Short Film Competition in North Carolina,  USA.