NOTANET - BAUSTEIN IV /do you nota? - Creative work with the software nota

Tow days of practical work with nota and presentations of current online spaces created by the nota community
Tue December 20, 11:00-18:30 CET 
11:00-12:50 Welcome and introduction to nota - Presentation of functionality, aesthetics and application possibilities12:50-13:00 Break13:00-14:00 Practice I - first hands-on experience. With concrete assembly tasks and tutorials we explore together nota's first level - the montage14:00-15:00 Lunch break15:00-15:20 notaskop I - Fernando Munizaga presents the nota-space φωνή - (phōnḗ).15:20-16:20 My first nota space I - Free work on your own space with personal support from the nota team.16:20-16:50 Break16:50-17:20 Coding experience I - a personal approach to code part I17:20-18:30 My first nota space II - Free working on your own space with personal support by the nota team
Wed December 21, 11:00-18:00 CET
11:00-11:30 Presentation of selected spaces of the notaⁿear awards I - Eddie Borbón (Kolumbien / Russland), Duo Dong Zhou / Liang Yujue (China / Deutschland), Arthur Murtinho (Brasilien)11:30-12:45 My first nota space III - Free work on your own space with personal support from the nota team12:45-13:00 Presentation of selected spaces of the notanear award II - Eddie Borbón (Kolumbien / Russland), Duo Dong Zhou / Liang Yujue (China / Deutschland), Arthur Murtinho (Brasilien)13:00-13:10 Break13:10-13:40 Coding experience II - a personal approach to code part II13:40-14:50 Lunch break 14:50-16:00 Practice II - first approach to programming in nota with P5.js and JavaScript16:00-16:20 notaskop II - Performative presentation of the nota-space madmap by and with Nikola Lutz16:20-16:40 Break16:40-17:40 My first nota space IV - Free work on your own space with personal support by the nota-team17:40-18:00 Feedback and goodbye
Participation and registration
do you nota? will take place on December 20th and 21st 2022 as a hybrid event at Kunstraum 34 (Filderstraße 34, 70180 Stuttgart) and online. Participation is free of charge! Registration required at mail@nota.spaceIn the subject line of the email, please state your wish how to participate:
  • "Participation on site" or
  • "Participation online"

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR and the Impulsprogramm „Kultur nach Corona“ des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg.
do you nota? - Creative work with the software nota

Tow days of practical work with nota and presentations of current online spaces created by the nota community
On the website everyone, with or without programming knowledge, can assemble quite unusual digital spaces out of media data. Due to nota's open structure, the forms of use are extremely diverse: They range from independent multimedia net artworks to creative archives, personal online galleries and libraries, to spaces for online theater rehearsals and creative group processes. In 2022, with the call for notaⁿear awards, the platform was further developed for the use as a sound space in cooperation with the IDKF. Thanks to the casual possibility of programming, nota is linking analogue and digital modes of working, closing the gap between the two worlds that often exists in ensembles, and encourages the acquisition of new knowledge.
do you nota? invites artists of all disciplines to create their own spaces in nota with the guidance of the interdisciplinary and multi-perspective nota community. Are you interested in interdisciplinary collaboration, soundscapes, web-based music or experimenting with new forms and communities? Then this is the place for you! We will get to know nota's assembly level and programming level and explore them together. You can get to know nota here and find ready-made spaces from the nota community under the link list below, which might inspire you to create your own.

do you nota? is a cooperation between nota e.V., SKAM e.V., IDKF, Kunstraum 34 and the 36th Stuttgart Filmwinter - Festival for Expanded Media. It will take place on December 20th and 21st 2022 as a hybrid event at Kunstraum 34 in Stuttgart (Germany) and online. Participation is free of charge! Registration required at

Technical knowledge is not mandatory, but media files such as images, videos, sound or text are needed, which the participants prepare and bring themselves. An overview of suitable formats can be found in the manual here It is good to familiarise yourself with this site before the event. nota works best when operated with a mouse with scroll wheel. Please bring your own laptop! A support team of 10 people will assist you personally on site and online in German, English and Spanish.

Languages:Lectures and presentations: EN
Support: DT, EN, ES

By and with:
Birk Schindler, Stine Hertel, Nikola Lutz, Sebastian Rest, Paula Löffler, Gaëtan Brun-Picard, Aurora Kellermann, Farzad Golghasemi, Stephan Mahn, Fernando Munizaga, Nils Bultjer and winners of the notaⁿear award

Curated by Nikola Lutz