Pablo Benjamín Nieto Mercado / Invasion
Title: Invasion
Year: 2020
Synopsis:How much time of your life do you spend communicating by touching a piece of mirror?
It is difficult to imagine how Mexico City, founded in the middle of five large lakes, was with the passage of time drying up its water courses and gaining space for the growing city of asphalt. As an example, we have Lake Texcoco to which fish, mollusks and migratory birds arrived, such as ducks and chichicuilotes, a source of food for the locals formerly dedicated to fishing and hunting. Now the Lake of Texcoco is dry, his descendants work at the airport receiving planes loaded with trinkets and people passing by.
We live in an age where common resources are commercialized, sterilized, bottled up and disguised in forms that deprive and induce the human senses, indoctrinated by the machine and its banners of progress, atrophied by the overdose of information and dependence on "mediating interfaces." Cans, wrappers and bottles tested in extreme environments to keep military troops alive, become part of the consumer culture that is increasingly moving away from the origin of what gives life.
If water is a vital part of the Earth and human bodies are largely water, how is it that we relate to the origin of our matter in other physical states? How do we consume water on a daily basis, mediated by the systems that have historically educated us? How do we identify with the objects that we consume and that shape our bodies?
Pablo Benjamín Nieto Mercado (Mexico City, 1979). Communications and Electronics Engineer from the National Polytechnic Institute. He studied Television Production at the Television Training Center. In 2008 he founded the Melvin Records label. His audiovisual and experimental production includes eighteen albums, fourteen installations, thirty short films and the documentary The Valley of stone rivers, which received support from Bolivia Lab and IMCINE in 2016, Fonca in 2017 and Doc Society in 2020.