Non places 1 / Non places 2 / Marta Kawecka
Non places 1video
Non places 2video
Marta KaweckaI do oil paintings and drawing, as well as actions on the border of various arts: visuals accompanying music and visuals-sounds installations. I am interested in interaction between different fields of arts.I took part in many painting and drawing ehxibitions (e.g. Open Space w Hagen, Building Bridges in Malta) and in projects which combine music and picture (e.g. Flash Mob Orchestra, Streams). I created as well sound installations. In 2016 I took part in Dada Festival in Berlin and in Warsaw and in Narracje Festival in Biskupia Górka in Gdańsk. In 2016 I received also Arts Bursary Prize of the City of Warsaw.In 2019 I defended my PhD at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. In 2014 I defended my master theesis at The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. The addendum to my diploma I realized at the Intercollegiate Multimedia Specialization, which is held in cooperation between the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw and The Frederic Chopin University of Music in Warsaw.Earlier, in 2008, I finished cultural studies at the Warsaw