IDENTITIES / Chloe Beatrice Harris
This digital artwork was created during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. The research behind it includes many techniques including digital painting, matte painting, video editing, and pixel displacement.The piece is presented as a moving portrait, the transitions within the image recall the fluidity with which we transform emotionally. It is common for us to discover something new about our persona when stimulated externally.This work is inspired by great contemporary artists who use AI and GAN to create mesmerising art pieces. In this case, it is the artist who is behaving like a computer so to show her emotional self.
Chloe Beatrice Harris is a multidisciplinary artist from Siena, Italy, born in 1992. In 2017she graduated with top marks at the LABA (Libera Accademia di Belle Arti) in Florence and trainedas a painting, mixed media, performance, and installation artist. She conducted a research onindependent art realities such as Artist-run Spaces in Italy which is visible in her dissertationentitled “Lo spazio autogestito che definisce e contiene l'arte”, she also has been part ofexhibitions in art galleries and international light art festivals. After graduation, she moved to Portofor an artist residence, during this time she organised experimental art events in various locationsof the city and developed a series of events entitled MIDL (Music, Installation, Drawing, Light)during which she invited a group of artists from different backgrounds to collaborate and developnew artwork to be presented in a defined space and time involving a public - situations similar indescription to a ‘happening’. The interest in mixing media including music and digital art hasreflected in her research and has pushed her to learn creative techniques outside of her comfortzone. Her main areas of interest are contemporary art and music production and sound design.